The LeTourneau University logo is the foundation of the brand. Its design components are carefully crafted to enhance LeTourneau University's position as the Christian Polytechnic University. The use of the cross and shield in combination with its fonts reinforces the established brand identity within the marketplace. It should be used thoughtfully, with respect to the guidelines outlined below. For usage questions, please let us know on our Opportunities & Requests page.
- University Logo Usage Guidelines
- Departmental Logos Usage Guidelines
- Email Signatures
- Logo Downloads
Please review the following usage guidelines for the LeTourneau University logo. After doing so, you may proceed to the Downloads section below to obtain the complete logo suite.
Color Variations
Six different color variations of the LETU logo are provided to suit various needs. When choosing a version of the logo, consider which color variation best fits the needs of your project.
Full Color White
This color variant of the logo is best used on black or darker colored backgrounds.
Full Color Blue
This color variant of the logo is best used on white or lighter colored backgrounds.
Grey and Gold
This color variant of the logo is fairly versatile. It can be used on white or black, extreme lights or extreme darks. It features a transparent shield.
White and Gold
This color variant of the logo also features a transparent shield, and is best used on black or darker colored backgrounds
Single Color White
This white variant of the logo features a transparent shield. It is for special uses such as embossing, embroidery, plaques, awards, and other specialized media.
Single Color Black
This black variant of the logo features a transparent shield. It is for special uses such as embossing, embroidery, plaques, awards, and other specialized media.
Style Variations
The LETUStacked version is a secondary logo. It is most ideal in applications when it is the only visible element or when the primary logo fails to occupy the desired design space.
The LETU-PolyHor version is a horizontal pairing of the primary LeTourneau University logo and the designed arrangement of our slogan, "the The Christian Polytechnic University." This is the second most used version of LeTourneau University's logos, and it is intended to be a stronger presentation of both the brand and position.
The LETU-PolyVert version is a vertical pairing of the primary LeTourneau University logo and the designed arrangement of our slogan, "the The Christian Polytechnic University." This version can be used in applications where the LETU-PolyHor version is not an optimal fit.
The LETUSymbol is a secondary icon or badge intended for use when the primary logo is not necessary or in cases where the brand name is already displayed plainly and legibly. It may also be used for very small applications where the full logo is no longer recognizable. In most cases where the shield element has been separated from the text of the logo, "LETU" should be included in the shield. For instance, it can be used as a profile image since the title of the page is already visible; It may also be used as a small supplementary visual within a booklet when the primary logo has already been used to establish the brand; It may be used on small items such as pins or buttons.
Logo Clear Space
To ensure legibility, always keep a minimum clear space around the logo. This space isolates the LeTourneau logo from any competing graphic elements or body copy that might lessen the impact of the logo. This minimum clear space is defined by the height of the "T." This minimum space should be maintained as the logo is proportionally resized.
Unacceptable Usage
Do not use outdated versions of the logo. If you are unsure, any logo without the registered trademark ® symbol is an old version.
Do not squash or stretch the logo.
Do not rotate the logo in increments less than 90 degrees.
Do not place elements within the logo clear space.
Do not alter the colors of the logo; use only existing color variants provided.
Do not add drop shadows or additional styles to text or symbol.
University departments & academic schools have approved versions of the university logo with their department name attached. Do not add department names to the primary LETU logo; rather, use these approved versions to represent your area.*
*Reminder: The usage guidelines for the primary LETU logos also apply to departmental logos. Please familiarize yourself with those guidelines prior to using them in your work.
Having an email signature that is visually aligned with others on campus is a great way to strengthen the LeTourneau University brand and create a consistent point of reference for people who interact with you via email. Now you can update your own email signature with a simple, polished template in just a few easy steps!
Get the Updated Email Signature Template
- Follow this link to the email signature template.
- Starting from the empty space to the right of the logo, click and drag to select the image and all of the text above it, then right click and choose "copy" (or Ctrl + C).
Add the Template to Your Outlook Signature
- Go to your Outlook web mail at
- Click the settings icon in the top right (gear icon), then choose "View all Outlook settings" at the bottom.
- From the "Mail" category, choose "Compose and reply".
- Click "New Signature".
- In the blank white space, delete anything that's already there, then right click and choose "paste" (or Ctrl + V).
- Make sure your signature is set to be used in the "For New Messages" and "For Replies/Forwards" drop down items, then click "Save" at the bottom.
Edit Your Information
Once you've followed the above steps, your signature should look like the image below! Customize your name, title, and office phone number. A few tips:
- Be careful not to add extra line breaks or change fonts & colors while editing your signature information.
- If you have multiple titles, add the first one and then type Shift+Enter to do a soft return (instead of a new paragraph break). Then add the second title on the new line (repeat for additional titles).
- This email signature template currently works only for the Outlook Web App ( Microsoft is planning to add support for synchronized Outlook signatures to the desktop application soon.
- If you have any questions, let us know via the Opportunities & Requests page!
University Logo Downloads
- Complete University Logo Package
- University Logo Package (PNG only)
- University Logo Package (SVG only)
Belcher Center Logo Downloads
*Reminder: The usage guidelines for the primary LETU logos also apply to the Belcher Center logos. Please familiarize yourself with those guidelines prior to using them in your work.
- Complete Belcher Center Logo Package
- Belcher Center Logo Package (PNG only)
- Belcher Center Logo Package (SVG only)
LeTourneau University Foundation Logo Downloads
*Reminder: The usage guidelines for the primary LETU logos also apply to the LeTourneau University Foundation logos. Please familiarize yourself with those guidelines prior to using them in your work.
Departmental Logo Downloads
If your department is not listed below, we'd welcome you to reach out to so that we can create a version for your area.
- Abbott Aviation Center
- Accounting
- Achievement Center
- Admissions
- Alumni Association
- School of Arts & Sciences
- Athletics
- School of Aviation & Aeronautical Science
- Biology & Kinesiology
- Biology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Bridges Program
- School of Business
- Campus Store
- Career Services
- Center for Counseling
- Center for Innovation Teaching & Learning
- Chemistry & Physics
- Civil Engineering
- Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Communication
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Conference and Events
- Criminal Justice
- Curriculum Design & Technology
- Curriculum Design & Technology and Online Academic Advising
- School of Education
- College of Education, Arts & Sciences
- Electrical Engineering
- School of Engineering & Engineering Technology
- English
- Enrollment, Marketing & Communications
- Environmental Engineering
- Facilities Services
- Financial Aid
- Fine Arts
- Global Initiatives
- Health Services
- History & Political Science
- Honors College
- Hospitality & Guest Experience
- Human Resources
- Humanities & Social Sciences
- Information Technology
- Kinesiology
- Mail Center
- Materials Joining Engineering
- Margaret Estes Library
- Market Intelligence & CRM
- Marketing & Communications
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Mathematics
- School of Nursing
- Office of Industry Engagement
- Office of the President
- Office of the Provost
- Payroll
- Physics
- School of Psychology & Counseling
- Quality Assurance
- Registrar
- Residence Life
- R.G. LeTourneau Museum & Archives
- Spiritual Life
- Student Accounts
- Student Ambassador
- Student Life
- Student Recruitment
- School of Theology & Vocation
- University Development
- University Police
- Writing Center