Friends of the Fine Arts


Friends of the Fine Arts at LETU help support the various programs and concerts at LeTourneau University by assisting with funds for musicians at concerts, capital purchases, scholarship support for students participating in performance trips, and other initiatives in the Fine Arts Department.

LeTourneau University is known as the Christian polytechnic university, and the arts offer our students a refreshing counter to their highly demanding technical studies and labs.  To take an art class and paint for three hours on a Monday night, to play in the Jazz Band, to take private lessons on piano, or to sing in the choir brings relief and joy and expands the other side of the brain, which research has shown to improve academic performance.

In addition, LeTourneau students have been privileged to be part of significant performances off-campus with the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra & Chorus in Ukraine, at Carnegie Hall in New York, and in the historic L’eglise de la Madeleine in Paris.  Each experience has been extremely memorable and life-shaping, and gifts to the Fine Arts Department make these possible. 

If you have a heart for the arts and what they can mean in a young person’s life, I hope you will consider being a Friend of the Fine Arts at LeTourneau University and give a gift of any size.  Thank you so much for what you are doing for our students!

Dr. Jim Taylor, Director of Fine Arts, Professor of Music