Combat Robotics Lab 360 walk-through
Noah Blanks and Callen Hunger take us on a tour of the Combat Robotics Lab. Click around the video to follow along!

Lab Equipment
Our Combat Robotics Lab comes fully supplied with the correct lab equipment used by professors and students. This lab has relative equipment such as a heavyweight combat test box, and a portable ant-weight combat arena.

On day one of classes, students are provided with full access to their lab spaces in order to have the proper materials for their class projects. Students gain experience building physical structures in the lab including weight-efficient robots for competitive combat, a combat arena venue for hosting regional competitions, and portable combat arenas using improved containment structure. This lab is home to senior design project, Frontier Robotics.

Information & Learning
In this lab, students learn about weight-efficient design, material properties for impact resistance, and radio-controlled motion systems.