Profile Photo: Sarah Kushner


  • Biology, Computer Science and Engineering Technology Major

  • Chemistry Minor

I heard about LETU from several people in my hometown, but did not really consider applying until I talked with a recruiter at the community college where I was taking dual credit. I applied while in the process of applying to several other schools, but after I toured campus and met with several professors, I knew this was where God wanted me. Since becoming a student at LETU I have been blessed more than I could ever have imagined, and I know without a doubt that this was what God had always planned for me.

I really value the support I get from everyone in the Bridges program. Dr. Marjason has been so helpful and kind in helping me navigate some stressful situations, and I have made several great friends as well. It enriches my experience because I know I have a support system of people who understand how my brain works and are willing to help and listen when I need advice.

I have discovered multiple resources at LETU through Bridges and through personal inquiries. I would really encourage students to take advantage of the achievement center's resources, such as the testing rooms and math tutoring sessions. I also have had several appointments with tutors and try to attend SI sessions as frequently as possible. I would say one of the most useful things I have learned this year has been branching out and connecting with new people. I have gotten to know several of my professors, and they have become great mentors for me. I would suggest to incoming and current college students to be social and try as many new things as possible. Students should never isolate themselves and should meet as many people and utilize as many resources and learning experiences they can.