For the past 60 years, space has relentlessly proven to be the final frontier of our universe and the undiscovered country that continues to challenge and amaze scientists. While few space missions are attempted today, most rocket projects are maintained by civilian rocket enthusiasts aiming to study the upper regions of our atmosphere and to gain experience in amateur rocketry. This year LeTourneau University joins thousands of others across the country to study, design, and construct their own high-powered rocket. This project will need to consider structural and fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, and the culmination of these fields pertaining to a launch vehicle system and a payload system.
The faculty sponsor for this project is Dr. Chad File, Professor of Mechanical Engineering. For more information about the competition, please visit The Argonia Cup.
Every Senior Design Team project is a collaborative effort between students, faculty, the client, and those who support the project. Thank you for your support for the LUNAR Senior Design project!