
Today, the Jacksonville Children’s Chorus comprises 350 singers in five choirs and encompasses many other children through outreach programs, having grown from its first year with only 16 singers, recruited during rush hour announcements on a local public radio station. The Touring Choir has since performed in Italy, Ireland, Greece, Canada, Eastern Europe, and is the official children’s chorus of the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra.
Taylor said he decided to start the chorus after he moved to Jacksonville in 1995 and learned the city of a million residents had no community children’s chorus.
Five years later, Taylor had conducted the chorus, which had grown to 100 children’s voices by then, to perform at all major Jacksonville venues, at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Jaguars stadium, and at three festivals at Carnegie Hall in New York City. When Taylor moved from the area, he passed leadership on to others. For more information on the Jacksonville Children’s Chorus see https://www.jaxchildrenschorus.org/.
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Categories: Fine Arts