Profile Photo: Hannah Penney


  • Distinguished Senior, 2020

  • Business Management

Why did you choose to attend LeTourneau?

I visited LeTourneau the summer before my senior year of high school and immediately knew that this was the place God was leading me. I was impressed by the faculty I met, the small, personal class sizes, and the unapologetically Christian attitude that permeated the campus. The students were what really closed the deal for me though. I got to meet several students when I stayed the night during a preview, and I was just blown away by their friendliness and inclusiveness. This was where I wanted to be!


How would you describe your time at LeTourneau?

My time at LeTourneau has been growing and incredibly fulfilling. Up to this point in my life, LeTourneau has been my best season. Not because it has been easy, but because it has been challenging and so many people have invested in me and helped me get to this point. I have had some of the deepest friendships of my life here and some the hardest and best life lessons. I echo what many have said before me: It’s the people - students, staff, and faculty - that made the difference.


Why did you choose your major?

I chose business management because people are my passion. When I entered college as a freshman, I was not exactly sure what God had for my future. I did know that I loved helping people excel and wanted to make a difference in people’s lives. In business management, I could do both of those things.


What does your LeTourneau education mean to you?

Irreplaceable… No other school could have prepared me for life like LeTourneau did. Academically, I was provided an outstanding knowledge base and incredible opportunities. I learned much about my field of study and even more importantly I am equipped with the tools to continue learning and growing throughout my life. The education that LeTourneau University provides is not merely academic though. The people it surrounds its students with helps us grow relationally and spiritually. This unique aspect that helps shape its students in all areas of life is what makes this university’s education irreplaceable.


What is one thing you'll take away from your time at LeTourneau?

The importance of investing in people is a lesson I learned at LeTourneau that I will be taking with me into life beyond college. I have had so many people invest in my life here – faculty, staff, and many other students. I have seen these relationships positively and directly affect my personal growth and spiritual maturity. I want to do the same and pour into others. I believe that God calls each of us to pour into other people’s lives. I was incredibly blessed to go to a school where the people that surrounded me modeled Christ.


What piece of advice would you give to an incoming freshman?

Connect well. On LeTourneau’s campus you are bound to connect with a group of people. Make sure that you are very intentional about who becomes your friend group. Whoever you spend the most time with will affect how you grow and develop in college. Seek out mentors among your professors and the faculty around you. This is a time where you will discover who God is, His character, and who He wants you to be. Being intentional about the connections you make is being a good steward of the life and opportunities that God has given you.